
Homeowner Rebates and Incentives

As a homeowner in Ottawa, you can get money through rebates, incentives and loans to lower your home’s energy and resource costs and improve comfort. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of available programs in 2023.

  • Home Energy Rebates Plus Program. This is a combined Natural Resources Canada and Enbridge gas program to provide homeowners with up to $10,000 in rebates for energy related retrofits.

  • Ottawa Better Home Ottawa Loan Program. Apply for an interest free loan of $15,000 – $125,000 with up to 20 years to pay back the loan.

  • Canada Greener Homes Grant. Apply for an interest free loan of $5,000 – $40,000 with up to 10 years to pay back the loan.

  • Rain Ready Ottawa Grant. Up to $5,000 in rebates to install rainwater management projects.

  • Ottawa Rural Clean Water Program. Up to $15,000 in rebates for a variety of water related improvements to properties.

  • Ontario Renovates Program. Up to $20,000 in forgivable loans for low income seniors and people with disabilities to make improvements for accessibility and livability, including energy for homes valued at < $476,197. Until March 31, 2023

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